
Thank you for your interest and support. If you would like to donate you can do so using any of the methods listed below.

Please note that all donations are non-refundable.

Thank you!

I wholeheartedly thank everyone who feels the benefits or appreciates what I do and feels the desire to gift me something.

Your donation supports the aspiration to live as God desires us all to live one day, gifting one another.

Donations received in 2024:
Rayid (January) – USD$ 180,00
Divina Veritas Website (Oct-Dec) – USD$ 340,00


You can send in US$, EUR, A$, or CAD


You need a Paypal account


Accounts in Brazil – PIX:
[email protected]

Donations to Jesus & Mary Magdalene

You may desire to donate to those who are the source and inspiration for much of the information shared on this site. You can find their direct teachings at: and the donation page at: Divine Truth – Donations