Exploring Compensation

The study of the principles of God’s laws has greatly helped me identify the points where I am in opposition to God and which, consequently, create obstacles in my relationship with Him/Her, and the need for compensation.

The analogy that comes to mind is our relationship with other people. When we nurture or engage in situations that harm a relationship—such as lying, betraying, being aggressive, feeding emotional addictions, or acting irresponsibly—we essentially build walls between ourselves and the other person.

Even if we believe we are maintaining a sincere connection with that person, under these conditions, there is no genuine relationship. There may be interactions, but they are destructive and in no way contribute to building a relationship. Today, I understand that a relationship is established based on principles, not feelings or emotions. And there is a good reason for that, as I´ll comment ahead.

These same principles exist in our relationship with God. The only difference is that God is and always will be the ultimate authority or governance; hierarchically, we will always be His/Her creations, which does not apply to any other relationship.

I see, then, that to truly understand if I am living a relationship with God, it is essential first to learn what a relationship with God means and what principles underlie that relationship. God’s principles serve as a guide in this process because love follows specific laws and principles. If I am not obeying them, God cannot grant me His love, as doing so would reinforce my mistakes or deviations from the principles. The flow of God’s love depends on my sincerity regarding obedience to the principles.

It is interesting to realize that the principles are not abstract or arbitrary concepts but are part of God’s nature and personality. It is worth pausing for a moment to feel what this means… When I think about it, I feel as if I’m standing at the edge of something so immense and, at the same time, made available so simply that it moves me deeply. The principles bring me closer to the nature and personality of God—in other words, to God Him/Herself.

Understanding the principles exposes the areas of my life that need attention, which makes it easier to direct my resources toward developing the principles that still require growth. This also corresponds to the development of my character. I am beginning to see a lack of sincerity in my desire for a relationship with God when my actions do not reflect His/Her principles. How can I claim to sincerely aspire to a relationship with God if I do not prioritize applying His/Her principles? My actions are a reflection of my faith, my beliefs, and my aspirations.

This is how I began to realize that in many (if not all) of the activities I’ve engaged in over recent years, some aspects oppose God’s principles. I’ll mention just a few examples to illustrate, as with the help of these principles, I can see mistakes in many other practices and dimensions of my life:

PracticesExamples of Emotion / False BeliefSome of the Violated Principles
Taking supplements to correct/improve physical symptomsFear, lack of humility / God created a flawed, incomprehensible human bodyLove, Truth, Life, Economy, Function, Development, Redemption, Compensation, Responsibility, Governance
Helping others expose their feelings/emotions; group practices aimed at experiencing emotions for self-developmentArrogance / God created a being incapable of self-regulation or autonomous self-awarenessLove, Truth, Responsibility, Governance, Development, Economy, Function, Redemption, Will, Desire
Use of psychoactive substances or practices for self-developmentArrogance, lack of humility / The regeneration system created by God is insufficient, we need external aids or auxiliary techniquesLove, Truth, Responsibility, Development, Economy, Function, Redemption, Desire
Seeking mastersUnworthiness / God needs intermediaries to communicate with His CreaturesTruth, Economy, Responsibility, Desire, Transformation

Some of these activities feed arrogance by disregarding God’s absolute governance or by believing that God needs someone or something else that His/Her laws to “save” or “heal” His children; others seek purely material or spiritual results without considering the functioning of the human soul; others create roles of governance or dependence on other people, thereby limiting autonomous development; and there are those that seek results without the corresponding development of the innate capacity within our soul to govern the phenomena that affect us.

It is curious that we feel well-being or perceive benefits when engaging in practices that oppose God’s principles. This is precisely where the problem lies because we do not perceive the harm being caused. Our mechanisms for accessing reality are deficient or deteriorated. Throughout life, I have learned and developed so many layers of resistance to avoid confronting my true state of development and the emotional wounds within me that my natural mechanism for perceiving reality has become damaged.

A couple of years ago, I experienced a physical example of this fact when I underwent a body purification process. By the end of the treatment, my sense of taste had noticeably changed. Foods that once appealed to me and are known to be harmful to health caused repulsion and completely lost their appeal by the end of the purification. I didn’t believe this was possible until I experienced it myself. The same happens with our emotional systems; that’s why we feel attraction and pleasure with methods and techniques that are not beneficial, even if they seemingly make us “feel good” in our current state of degradation.

This is why I understand that it is essential for relationships to be founded on principles rather than merely on emotions or feelings. Principles originate from an infinite and perfect source—God—while our emotions and feelings are often in a state of degradation.

The time I spent on these practices also diverted me from the process God created for us, which is the most effective and quickest way to regenerate our initial state of perfection.

Furthermore, I now understand that any practice opposing God’s principles has serious consequences, both for us and for everyone involved, because they teach concepts that go against God’s Truth and Morality. These deviations create spiritual “debts” that will need to be compensated. The more we engage in these practices, the more resources—such as time, energy, and effort—will be required to correct the damage caused by these desires and actions opposing God’s laws and principles.

I am developing an affection for compensation; with each passing day, I appreciate it more and want to willingly engage in correcting my mistakes. It is a loving opportunity that God gives us to learn that we have the capacity and responsibility to correct our deviations. Even when receiving God’s love and eliminating the causes of the false beliefs that led us to violate His/Her principles, the need for compensation remains; the mess we created must be reorganized by us.

It’s like a child who makes a mess in their room, leaving toys scattered everywhere. A loving parent will wait and encourage the child to tidy up the mess themselves, using the resources they already have at their current level of development. The parent may help with what the child cannot yet do alone, but they will not do what the child already has the potential to accomplish.

Compensation is an opportunity for growth, character development, and alignment with God. If I’m not engaged in compensating for my mistakes and deviations, it’s also evidence that I’m not very sincere in my desire to have a relationship with God, as compensation is one of His/Her principles.

From the moment I recognized that I was acting in disharmony with God’s laws and principles, I decided to repair and undo the creations that were out of alignment. I removed all the videos and posts I had previously produced, discontinued the study groups, and was transparent about my process of change with everyone involved. Even so, I still made some mistakes during this period by not fully processing my emotions of fear, anger, disappointment, and sadness.

This blog is also part of the compensation process, as I can share the new understandings I am acquiring and correct information I once believed to be accurate. That is why I frequently edit the posts as I come to new understandings. I am committed to using all the resources at my disposal to correct the mistakes of the past. I have faith that God will help me with matters beyond my capabilities, as long as my repentance is sincere and I truly dedicate myself to understanding and transforming the motives that led me to make them.

There was a phrase from Jesus and Mary that deeply impacted me: they explained that, at the moment of conception, it is our purity — or absence of sin — that allows us to inhabit the sphere of perfection, not our level of love, since at the beginning of life, we have not yet developed any natural love.

This means that what keeps us bound to such low levels of degradation and suffering is not primarily immaturity or lack of development in love, but rather our deviations and sins. Sin acts as a weight that, if not eliminated, will continue to anchor us to our current state of degradation.




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