It is fascinating how a change in perspective can make us see that what we once believed to be true was, in reality, just a limitation of our vision at that moment. Even though it seemed absolutely right at the time, we later realize there was much more to understand.
This has been my experience over the past year. I realized that, despite sincerely believing I was following God´s Way, I was actually operating within the limits of my own understanding at that moment. It was a shock, but also a liberating discovery.
This reminds me of the “Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant,” which suggests that truth is merely a matter of individual perspective. But there is a detail in this story that I have never seen discussed: the person telling the parable knows that there is an elephant—that is, they acknowledge the existence of an absolute truth. And we, as listeners, can also conceive of the entire elephant. However, the lesson of the parable tells us that this absolute truth is unattainable and that all we have are partial perspectives. To me, this suggests that the person who created the parable did not have a relationship with God at the time.
Today, I realize that this idea makes sense only when we seek knowledge and development through our own means, without a relationship with God—just as I was doing. By relying solely on the gifts that had already been given to me, I ended up being limited to my own perspective. Now, I understand that when we connect with God, He/She gifts us with absolute/Divine Truth—within our capacity to comprehend at that moment, of course, but in a much deeper and more transformative way than any learning we could achieve on our own.
The key, I now see, is developing this relationship with God—not in theory, but in practice, in reality. I understand that we have all been endowed with both the Conscience and the Holy Spirit—where conscience serves as a channel through which we receive truth, and the Holy Spirit as a channel through which we receive God’s love.
Even without realizing it, the Conscience is always present and can be activated by any sincere desire to know the truth. However, receiving information from someone does not necessarily mean having a relationship with that person. Likewise, knowing God’s truth is not the same as having a relationship with Him/Her and receiving His/Her Divine Truth/Love.
A relationship requires more from us—it requires a genuine desire to love, in this case, to love God and to receive His/Her love. Only this sincere desire can activate the Holy Spirit and open the heart to an experience far deeper than simply receiving truth as information, even if that truth comes from God through the Conscience.
“All may have that Essence (of truth), and to a great abundance. Some may never have the Essence of Divine Truth; yet no man will be left without the essence of the Truth which leads to the perfect man.” – (James E.) Padgett Messages.
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